
2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

What on Earth have you photographed? The annual BigPicture: Natural World Photography Competition encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their work to this photo competition that will both celebrate and illustrate the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspire action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. The winning images are exhibited at one of the most prestigious science institutions in the world in San Francisco, California, USA.

2020年,来自世界各地的摄影师为一年一度的BigPicture:Natural World摄影比赛展示着自己的作品,该比赛既充分展示着人类赖以生存的地球上极其丰富多彩生命的不平凡,同时通过影像的力量也激发着人们保护人类家园和野生动物的行动。获奖的作品也会在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山世界上最负盛名的科学机构中展出。而这一年我们又拍了些什么?

2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Grand Prize

Andy Parkinson / Crich, England

Andy Parkinson is passionate about giving animals a voice through his images and revealing the daily challenges they overcome every day just to survive. A feature contributor to National Geographic, Parkinson has won over 50 prestigious awards including Wildlife Photographer of the Year, European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, and Bird Photographer of the Year.

安迪·帕金森(Andy Parkinson)野生动物保护者,《国家地理》的特约撰稿人,曾赢得50多个著名奖项,包括年度野生动物摄影师,年度欧洲野生动物摄影师和年度鸟类摄影师。

2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Aquatic Life

Greg Lecoeur / Nice, France

Greg Lecoeur is a wildlife photographer who uses the art of digital storytelling to raise awareness about ocean conservation. Growing up on the French Riviera, Lecoeur learned to scuba dive in the Mediterranean Sea where he developed his passion for the marine world and underwater photography. Lecoeur was named Nature Photographer of the Year in 2016 by National Geographic.


2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Terrestrial Wildlife

Yi Liu / Beijing, China

An amateur photographer, Yi Liu enjoys traveling and photography, both of which heighten her appreciation of nature’s magnificence. Liu relies on patience and luck to witness rare moments in the natural world and capture the anticipated photograph.


2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Winged Life

Piotr Naskrecki / Cambridge, United States

Piotr Naskrecki is an entomologist, conservation biologist, and photographer working in Mozambique to support local conservationists in their efforts to rebuild Gorongosa National Park after setbacks from the recent civil war. At the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, Dr. Naskrecki’s scientific research focuses on the evolution of communication in insects. He has been published in dozens of peer-reviewed papers as well as national magazines.


2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Landscapes, Waterscapes, and Flora

Edwin Giesbers / Nijmegen, Netherlands

Edwin Giesbers has been a professional nature photographer for 15 years. Represented by Nature Picture Library, Giesbers has won leading international photo competitions and his work has appeared in publications like BBC Wildlife Magazine and National Geographic. In 2014, Giesbers launched the “Frogs Life Project” to highlight endangered amphibians and support organizations working to protect them with proceeds from his imagery.

从事专业自然摄影师已有15年。其自然摄影作品图书为其赢得了国际摄影比赛的冠军,众多作品出在BBC Wildlife Magazine和National Geographic等出版物中。2014年,发起了“青蛙生存计划”,重点展示了濒临灭绝的两栖动物,作品收益均赞助给两栖动物保护组织。

2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Art of Nature

Juan Jesús González Ahumada / Málaga, Spain

Juan Jesús González Ahumada is a self-taught photographer based in Málaga, Spain. He spent his childhood immersed in nature, filling sketchbooks with local flora and fauna, which seeded his passion for wildlife photography. After 25 years of making images, he still sees these harmonious moments with nature as enriching journeys that open his mind and comfort his soul.


2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏


Jak Wonderly / Sebastopol, United States

Jak Wonderly believes the interaction between humanity and nature is the greatest news story of our generation. His award-winning photography supports conservation causes like The Nature Conservancy, Natural Resources Defense Council, and The Snow Leopard Conservancy. Represented by the National Geographic Image Collection, his work has appeared in numerous publications like the Los Angeles Times, Sunset Magazine, National Geographic, and bioGraphic.

Jak Wonderly 相信人与自然之间的互动是我们这一代人中最伟大的新闻故事。他屡获殊荣的摄影作品为自然保护协会、自然资源保护委员会和雪豹保护协会等自然保护事业提供了很多帮助与支持。作品经常出现在《国家地理图像集》,曾在《洛杉矶时报》《日落杂志》《国家地理》和《生物图形学》等众多出版物中发表。

2020 Natural World Photography Competition 优胜作品欣赏

Photo Story: Coexistence

Ami Vitale / Missoula, United States

Ami Vitale has traveled to over 100 countries on assignment where she has witnessed civil unrest and violence but also surreal beauty and the enduring power of the human spirit. She has lived in mud huts and war zones, contracted malaria, and donned a panda suit—all in keeping with her philosophy of “living the story.” Vitale is a photographer for National Geographic and a Nikon Ambassador. Among her numerous awards, Vitale is a five-time recipient of World Press Photo awards.


 Photos by Tonkeg'S Story|编辑:Ta的故事


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